Huu..... bangun bangun pagi aje dah buat dosa dah..... looked at my handphone... (Shit!!!! 9.30a.m!!!!) I missed my subuh prayer~ ayarkkk..... (tapi.. tanpa segan silu.... terus sambung tido plak....).... I realised it was all my fault.... "kenape saye tido lambat pagi tadi??? haha... jam 4.30a.m.... plak tuh".... ni smue sebab internet!!!!! (`-^)v (so....surfing the internet is a dangerous activity.... except for educational purpose --> hehe... konon2 lah...)
I have some boring activities to do diz mornin'..... think about it almost every second diz morning.. while I'm asleep, taking my bath, breakfast..... HAHA..... It's not about going to the UiTM that bothered me.. but... it's all about going to see the DOCTOR!!!! (uwaaaa....... I'm so afraid whenever it has something to do wit CLINIC, HOSPITAL, MEDICINE, NuRSE (not really aa actually), BLOOD, etc...) and the worse of all.... NEEDLES!!!!

I'm referring to this kind of needles aaaa.. the one that hurts...
Back to the UiTM agenda.... Izzat and my mum wanted to go to UiTM to take Izzat's offer letter... So... I took them there.. (dekat bangunan chanselori.... first time pegi situ walaupun 3 tahun kat UiTM... muahahahaha... ) --> bangunan nye sangatlah besar dan modern....
30 minutes passed..... okay... now is the scariest part!!!! "Going to da doctor~" andare avedere alla dottore~ hurmm...... entering the clinic.. (dup dup~ dup dup~) waiting and waiting (mak ai... ramai seh orang pagi nie.... gilelah... bebudak nak buat medical check up utk masuk U... HAHA) after about an hour waiting...... hehe..... ade satu gadis nie masuk klinik ngan mak die.... huhu... sangat jelitenye gadis ni ya Allah...... (her facereminds me of.. mmm... Maggie Q!!!!!!) whoaa.....kulit cerah.... tinggi~ mate die... fuyyo~...... but... she seems "sombong" and "belagak!!" eleh.. kontrol2 aje lebih plak..... benci betuL~ She was holding a book..... from the cover.. i know.. "HAHAHA UiTM studentlah kau!!!" kah kah..... wonder which faculty is she in to...... ;p
Hhohoho... I heard somebody calling my name.... hoho.. diz is it boy!!!! kuatkan smangat~ kuatkan smangat~ (nasib baik doktor nie kawan mak... klinik seksyen 2 tuu...) so.... die sangatlah sporting dan baik.... He made a stupid joke diz mornin'.... he took the "picagari" wit a bigger needle!!! hey... ini tidak adil.. Izzat punye kecik!!!!! dah cuak sparuh mati dah dalam hati nie..... tetibe die gelak..... "hahaha... rileks bang ye.. gurau aje.... saya tau abg ni tak macho.. so.. pakai jarum baby aje lah ek??" ..... after that... he started the process... as usual.. the doctor said "alaa... tahan sikit yeh.... macam kene gigit semut aje...." Kah kah kah......... and finally.. thank god... I'm still alive after all~ !!!!!
Tamatlah perasaan takut yg amat nie......... dah lega.. dan selesai.... tapi.. doktor tu kate kene datang 29 july..... second dose~ die ade three dose!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....