Last night.... July 30th.... there was a "kenduri" tahlil and doa selamat for Izzat who is going to start his orientation week in UiTM Penang... (kenduri secare kecil kecilan aje..... di mane saudare mare dan rakan rakan aje diajak.....) Kenduri started by performing Magrib prayer together lead by Uncle Daruddin (Pak Ngah).... I invited along some of my friends that night.... Papa, Munzir, Habeeb and also Hafiz!!!!! <--(orang yg sakit kaki pon datang!!! hahaha... very the terharu....)

Hehehe... tgklah Apis... unik kan die?? org lain smayang bdiri... die lain sket..... Hahahaha

After Maghrib prayer... Pak Ngah lead the program which included Bachaan Yaasin, Tahlis, Doa Selamat, etc...... kelihatan smue orang sangat menghayati majlis yg diadekan... smoga semue mendapat pahala (Theeeeehehehehhee)....... After finishing, 30 minit lagi utk waktu Isyak...... smue sempat beramah mesra dan berkenal kenalan..... Azan Isyak berkumandang... dilaungkan oleh Izzat.. memandangkan die akan meninggalkan kami esok... hehehehe..........
Isya' prayer was once again performed together wit our usual leader (Imam) Pak Ngah..... hihihihi... saaaayang Pak Ngah...... after praying.... hehehe..... the moment we've been waiting for.... MAKAN!!!!!!~ perut dah lapar nie..... last makan pon ngan budak budak tusyen ptg tadi.... melantak gile....... dah kembung....... tapi.. tak lalu nak makan..... sebab... ntah..... so.. just tgk ajelah org lain makan....... I just ate some kuih dat night.... kueh tepung pelita and kochi are my feveret!!!!! (hmmm.... why are there no Onde Onde??)
Isya' prayer was once again performed together wit our usual leader (Imam) Pak Ngah..... hihihihi... saaaayang Pak Ngah...... after praying.... hehehe..... the moment we've been waiting for.... MAKAN!!!!!!~ perut dah lapar nie..... last makan pon ngan budak budak tusyen ptg tadi.... melantak gile....... dah kembung....... tapi.. tak lalu nak makan..... sebab... ntah..... so.. just tgk ajelah org lain makan....... I just ate some kuih dat night.... kueh tepung pelita and kochi are my feveret!!!!! (hmmm.... why are there no Onde Onde??)

Our V.I.P's, from left... (Clockwise)--> Uncle Zack, Abg Syamshol, Pak Ngah (middle), Abg Fahim, Abah, Uncle Hafizz...
Everybody enjoy eating except me.... who had to entertained few babies<-- which are all my cousins..... I'm the only cousin in the family that allllllll the babies loved to be wit..... hahaha.... ajaibkan??? what??? tak caye?? hurmm.. well....
This is Huda..... Andak Din's youngest daughter.... she really likes my "Misai" and "janggut..." Hahahaha..... die ni cak Cik Halus.... sangatlah kecik...... eee.... geram!!!
Oke.... ni lah kazen2 kecik paling nakal penah ditemui..... yg kiri ni abang... name die Zahin.... yg kanan plak name die Luqman... (tapi die suro sebut Ruqman)..... sangat nakal!!!!
Eating time continue untill 10.30 where Papa and Habeeb would like to test their power in playing video games..... "Winning Eleven 10!!!" <-- best ever football game ever played....... people.... for your information.... everybody who want to play this game wit papa.... make sure takde penyakit jantung ok!!? sebab papa nie... kalau main.. kalau tak kaki.... tangan... takpun kepale... mesti akan naik naik punye... sambil maki maki.... kalau tak score... sipi or miss... die akan tolak2 sambil menjerit kat opponent tu... dan kalau die score... hurmmm... tarian gelabah akan di saksikanlah.... so.... make sure... takde heart attack k???

Oke.... yg baju merah tu Hafizz.... sebelah kanan die Munzir.... bawah munzir tu Habeeb... and sebelah Habeeb ialah Papa.... (Papa and Habeeb ni slalu gado dalam smue aspek...)

Oke.... yg baju merah tu Hafizz.... sebelah kanan die Munzir.... bawah munzir tu Habeeb... and sebelah Habeeb ialah Papa.... (Papa and Habeeb ni slalu gado dalam smue aspek...)
The game started.... hehe... the game went on untill final whistle where Papa lost!!! Hahahaha..... sangat loser !!!!! Habeeb played agains three opponents that night.... losing only once to Hafiz..... (alaa... main cheat bleh lah weh.....!!!! Benci~!!!)
Around 11 p.m... everybody started going back home.... including Papa ... (papa bukan nak balik... tapi... kawan baik die... Ramanan dah panggil suruh ajak tengok bola kat kedai mamak...... Tonight match between Germany and Argentina...... <--- really hope that Argentina will qualify into the next round...... but.... hmm.... "nasib tak slalu menyebelahi kite....Argentina kalah lah weeei..... benci benci benci benci benci benci benci!!!!!!!
Good Luck in Penang yeah Izzat~!!! ---
Around 11 p.m... everybody started going back home.... including Papa ... (papa bukan nak balik... tapi... kawan baik die... Ramanan dah panggil suruh ajak tengok bola kat kedai mamak...... Tonight match between Germany and Argentina...... <--- really hope that Argentina will qualify into the next round...... but.... hmm.... "nasib tak slalu menyebelahi kite....Argentina kalah lah weeei..... benci benci benci benci benci benci benci!!!!!!!
Good Luck in Penang yeah Izzat~!!! ---
germany dgn argentina laaahhh
ReplyDeletehehe.. oke oke... dah betulkan dah
ReplyDeleteey! mana my gambar! ceh, tak ditangkap! makanan sedap aa! menyesal tak tapau!:P
ReplyDeleteoh, and aku terjelepuk kat depan rumah kau lepas majlis tu. lost my balance masa lari..
hmm.. pandai ko ek bwt cm2.. hehe.. bijucks bijucks..