Strange Facts II
- If you lined up all the slinkys ever made in a row they could wrap around the Earth 126 times.
- In medievil Japan, dentists extracted teeth with their hands.
- Technically speaking, a female "dude" is known as a "dudine."
- Belgains have tried to deliver mail using cats. It didn't work.
- In ancient Egypt, pillows were made of stone.
- In the middle ages chicken soup was considered an aphrodisiac.
- Ancient Rome had a rent-a-chariot business.
- In snow skiing, most men fall on their faces while most women fall on their behinds.
- Ropesville, Lariat, and Loop are all towns in Texas.
- The average cat has 24 whiskers.
- Fort Worth Texas was never a fort.
- There are more telephones than people in Washington D.C.
- The Oval Office is only 22 feet long.
- When astronomer Tycho Brahe lost the tip of his nose in a duel he replaced it with a gold one.
- The fish reel was invented around 300 A.D.
- Grocery shoppers spend an average of 8 minutes waiting in line at the supermarket.
- The average cost of a movie ticket in 1940 was 24 cents.
- If you are standing on a mountain top and the conditions are just right you can see a lit match from 50 miles away.
- There are 68,000 miles of phone line in the Pentagon.
- When the golf ball was introduced in 1848, it was called a "gutta-percha."
- The average car in Japan is driven 4,400 miles per year, in the U.S. its 9,500 miles per year.
- The gnomon is the thing that casts the shadow on a sundial.
- The oldest person to ever be issued a driver's license in the U.S. was 109.
- The Statue of Liberty's fingernails weigh about 100 pounds apiece.
- A rouleau is another name of coins wrapped in a roll of paper.
- A single pair of Elvis' underpants has an estimated value of $1,300.
- In the 13th century, Europeans baptized children with beer.
- The typewriter was invented before the fountain pen.
- Before Prohibition, the most common form of drinking beer at home was drinking it out of a bucket filled at a local pub or brewery.
- The U.S. has never lost a war in which mules were used.
- Louis XIV owned 413 beds.
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