Strange Facts iv
- Parker Brothers prints roughly 50 billion dollars worth of Monopoly money each year.
- On average, there are 333 squares of toilet paper on each roll.
- The "Mexican Hat Dance" is the official dance of Mexico.
- Being unmarried can shorten a man's life by ten years.
- Onland fired usually move quicker uphill than downhill.
- In 2002, the most popular boat name in the U.S. was Liberty.
- American car horns beep to the tone of F.
- 1 in every 4 Americans has appeared on T.V.
- More money is spent on gardening than any other hobby.
- The longest one sylable word in the English language is "screeched."
- A straightened coat hangar is 44 inches long.
- September 20th is "Love your teeth day" in China.
- The ice cream cone was originally a way to hold flowers, not ice cream.
- There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
- In ancient times, Iron cost more than gold.
- Mel Blanc, who played the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots.
- Leather has enough nutritional value to sustain life for a short time.
- In 1797 James Hetherington inventented the top hat and wore it in public. He was arrested for disturbing the peace.
- During the 1980's the average speed of traffic in New York was less than 10 mph. -There about 171 billion U.S. pennies in circulation.
- Marriage makes a woman more likely to become depressed and a man less likely.
- IBM holds the most U.S. patients.
- Thomas Henry Huxley invented the word agnostic in 1869 because he was tired of being called an athiest.
- John Wayne had the most leading roles in Hollywood with 141.
- The largest snowflakes were 15 inches in diameter and 8 inches thick.
- The word hitchhike was coined in 1926.
- The first e-mail was sent over the internet in 1972.
- Sunsets can be green in Antarctica.
- The two most dangerous jobs in the U.S. are commercial fishing and logging.
- Virus means poison in Latin.
- Playing cards are round in India. -The Statue of Liberty is patented.
- The most mentioned woman in the bible is Sarah at 56 times.
- The Mayan Empire lasted six times as long as the Roman Empire.
- Jerry Maguire was the highest grossing sports movie in history.
- At least 8,000 human made objects are orbiting the Earth.
- 127 people ran the first New York City Marathon in 1970, 32,000 ran in 1998.
- The Cincinnati Redstockings was the first baseball team to pay its players.
- Rowing is the oldest American college sport still in existence.
- The most expensive movie poster in history was the poster from 1932's The Mummy which auctioned for $453,000 in 1977.
- The Tour de France bicycle race is 2,300 miles long.
- When badminton was invented in India, it was known as poona.
hmmmm! so, i die 10 yrs earlier if i dont get married????
ReplyDeleteokok! (tries to look for a girlfriend)
Maybe lah kot... Hahaha... ;p