Sunday, October 08, 2006

Labbaikallah Humma Labbaik~

Hurm.... half of Ramadhan gone already. Wow.. pejam celik pejam celik dah nak abis dah bulan mulia nie... Last night, we had our "Majlis Berbuka Puasa" at my house. All our relatives attended the Majlis. We are leaving for Mecca this thursday.. so.. it was some kind of Majlis Perpisahan laaa..... hihi.... by the end of the Majlis, everybody started crying, peluk2.... mintak maaf.. bla bla... which seemed to be quite emotional laaa...

Andak Din wit his Youngest daughter.. Huda

Surprisingly.. yesterday was also Andak Din's 40th birthday... owh... sangat terkejut.. !! he'll be following us this thursday. Happy Birthday Andak Din!!!! owh... dah 40 dah andak din ni.... ;) smoga sihat2 sejahtera selalu~ dan teruskan keceriaan anda.... This is gonna be his first visit to the Holy Land.. and he keeps asking me to be his "Personal Mutawif.." Hahaha.. Insya Allah Andak Din... ;)

"Apa pandang-pandang?? sepakk raaaang..." <-- famous quote from you-know-who

Yong has started recovering from her stroke. Hope u'll get better and better... Owh Izdiyad is becoming more "Bulat" than the list time I saw him. Aiyyo... so geram aaa....

Tarawikh berjemaah.... Led by Imam Pak Ngah

This week is gonna be my last week fasting in Malaysia... and last week updating blog in Ramadhan (maybe... because I'm coming home on the 23rd October... I really hope that Syawal falls on the 24th October... please god please~ ;p)... hohooh.. pray for our safety kay!!! =)

  • Owh Owh... I haven't miss my Solat Terawikh yet.. huhuhuhu... ;p
  • "Owh... 40 kat kek ni adalah berat Andak Din.... maksudnye.. Andak Din dah 40 kg lah ari ni... " <-- one of Andak Din's jokes....
  • If anybody wants to kirim any doa or anything.... just leave a comment k!!? insya Allah I'll try to pray for u guys... hihi... (Off course there won't be any charges for the do'a... LOL)
  • Di kesempatan ini... ingin menyusun 10 jari memohon kemaafan andai ada terkasar atau tersilap kate sepanjang karier saye sebagai seorang blogger and sebagai kawan.. amin~ selamat menamatkan Bulan Ramadhan Mulia.... amin~


  1. eh!! gi mecca this thursday???

    take care tau!

  2. hihi.. thanx chakra~ kau memang selalu di sisiku.. HAHAHA ;p

  3. hahahaha! stange aa! kalau thru internet boleh borak2 banyak2!

    but biler jumpa face to face cam kekok lak! cam majlis doa slmt harituh!

    ab: hi!
    me: oh heyy!! (nak panggil abang ke ab eh????... or uncle??)
