Friday, April 27, 2007

Direnjis renjis dipilis!!!

Yesterday evening, Me, Padi and Azri had a really looong conversation at Darul Ehsan 11 about almost everything! We were discussing about his (Azri)'s current job. Oh... he treated us! cheywah kate kaye! hahahaha....

Diyad foreber!!!

That night, there was a Majlis Bacaan Yassin and Doa Selamat at my house. Doa Selamat for my youngest brother who is gonna celebrate his 12th birhday this saturday (28th). Haha.. what I lyke the most about last night is... there were sooo many babies!! hahahaha...... I Lyke!! kui kui....

Pak Ngah and Andak Din

Hoho... hard to identify the 3 ladies.... Faiq, Azim (yg perasan kamera tu) and Dato Mansur

Afiq, Abah, Fifi, Izzat, Ucu Apis

Newest member in our family so far.... Mr Amir

Izdiyad and Ammar

Around 9 o'clock, I asked Aus to send me to Kerol's house to attend his Majlis Kahwin plak. owh... there were soo many people! I can see Huda (Papas X-buah hati), hahaha, my old neighbours mostly.... Big day coming up this saturday aa for Kerol!!! to all S8FC members! Please wear complete set of ur Baju Melayu oke!!! make sure kite smart gile hari esok!!! Photographer Kerol ialah Saiful Nang tu... aHahahahah

Newly wed... first picture of them ever on my blog!!! Khairul 'Aizah Yunus and Hernani Yusof congratulations to both of u!

Later that night I had a boxing battle wit Ali which I won all of the match!!! hahaha..... Poie is also back in Shah Alam.....

Oh.. before I forgot... Andak Din sent me a funny song yesterday.... everybody knows the song Pencinta Wanita by Irwansyah rite??? this is a funny version.... Pencinto Betino... I dunno the artist... but... trust me.... it's really funny!! huhu... you can download it here ---> KLIK SINI KAWAN2

Huhu... one of my ex-classmate is gonna be married next month! huhu... she called me yesterday asking for my home address.. she's gonna send me her wedding invitation kot. Huhuhuhu

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