Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Day 008 Istanbul Trip :p '07

Day 8

Another day in Istanbul. And it was the third last day for us here in Istanbul. We visited the Topkapi Palace. All 7 of us entered the Palace. Some changes can be seen inside the Topkapi Palace now.

(No.1) The Entrance..

Abah wit a specky guard

We managed to take some photos at the entrance wit tha Guards and some Turkish Kids (again...) hahaha.... we were soooo happy!! :p

Turkish Kids...

The entrance fee is YTL10 per person. Altogether YTL 70 and Mak was soo happy since she can use her Credit Card to pay the entrance fee. Sooo many people visited The palace on Sunday since it wasPublic Holiday kan.... so.... we had to queue in a very slong and crowded line just to enter the Entrance gate! Aiyyo..... Visitors have to scan their stuffs upon entering the palace. Tu yg buat lambat tu.....

Another picture wit The Guars

(No.6)The Kitchen..

Me and Mak are waiting for Syukri and Izzat at the kitchen's gate

Near The Kitchen's gate

First destination.. the kitchen.. Oh before I forgot... let me tell u about The Topkapi Palace... it was the main palace of the Sultans during the Ottoman Empire around 15th century until early 20th century. So.. we are talking about a very important palace here! The Head quarters to every provinces under the Ottoman Empire and we are talking about one beautiful and magnificient palace here! hah!

Mak inside the Treasury Room

So... we were at the Palace's kitchen.... and we looked at da porcelains, cuttleries, the kitchen, etc. Owh... that was our first time entering the cooking room!! we had never been inside the cooking room before! Oh.... lupe lupe.... the kitchen consists of 3 main parts... The cooking room (Kitchen), Porcelains room and one Treasury room.

Syukri Kagum ngan Treasury

Porcelains in display

All the stoves, senduk, etc are all displayed in the Cooking Room. The room is full with pictures of the chef, the servant, the kuli, etc hanging on the walls. The Porcelains room contains all the porcelains that The Sultans received from other countries especially China and Japan as an "Ufti" lah konon2 nye...... and The treasury room contains all kind of presents or things donated from other countries to the Sultans.

Pictures of some tenaga2 pekerja di Kitchen Ottoman

A person is drawing the picture of The Ottoman's chief

A potrait of a Malaysian Family sedang diabadikan di Kitchen

(No.4) Gate Of Felicity

Gate Of Felicity

From second courtyard (No.2 where the kitchen is), we went into the Gate of felicity into the third Courtyard (No.10). Here.. located some important buildings. From the gate, we can see the Audience Hall (No.7). This is where The Sultans met their emmiseries, visitors, guests, etc and next to it is The Library Of Sultan Ahmet III (No.8)... There are no books inside it today, only the main building and the furniture and all.

The Audience Hall

We're in front of Sultan Ahmet III Library

The Sultans Potraits Room

Sultan Mehmet II “The Conqueror” (1429 - 1481)

From the Library Of Ahmet III, we went straight to a room full with the potraits of all the Sultans of The Ottoman Empire. We're not allowed to use any kind of cameras inside this special room. We saw all the faces of the sultans starting from Osman Gazi until the last one.

Sultan Suleiman I  “The Magnificent” (1494 - 1566)

Wife of Sultan Suleiman, Roxelana (aka Hurrem) (1500 - 1558 )

(No.11) Room Of The Relics

Okay.. unfortunately this room was under construction the day we went there. Owh so sad... Syukri couldn't see some important private belongings of the prophet Muhammad, The Kaabah's Pancur Emas, The Multazam's locks and some Swords which are believed to be owned by some of sahabat of Rasulullah. Kesian Syukri... and he said "It's okay.. there is always another time". Hahaha

(No.13) The Baghdad Pavilion

View from a place near the Baghdad Pavilion

We moved into the Fourth Courtyard (No.12). We can see another entrance to The Relics Room from this side. Here, we can see the Baghdad Pavilion and the scenery here is soooo beautiful that we didn't miss our chance to take some photos.

Around The Fourth Courtyard

Family Potrait (Again..)

From the Baghdad Pavilion, we walk around the Fourth Courtyard, to another far end of the courtyard to see another beauiful scenery of the Asian side of Istanbul. Haha... sooo nice laaa..... tak tahan!! :p

Abah Looks soooo happy taking picture wit a Japanese Girl

A Patriotic Boy

The Konyali Restaurant

Outside The Treasury

Syukri wit his Newly-met friend (uncle)

(No.9) The Treasury

He is sooo heavy and he doesn't like me! I Hayte~!

From The fourth Courtyard, we went back to The Third Courtyard and entered The Treasury Room. They had renovated the room. The room is sooo beautiful now.. We can see all the jewelries, diamonds, lamps, crystals from the Ottoman period here. Not all the Treasuries displayed here, u have to pay extra money in order to see some of the more exclusive diamonds and golds in a special room next to the Treasure Room.

The MalaysianS!!!

The Turkish!!!

Outside the Treasury Room, we met some Malaysians. We took pictures and chit chatted for a few minutes. Well, coincidently, they are in the same flight wit us this Wednesday flying back to Malaysia~ My My.... haha... Here also we met some mo Turkish people where we had some of our photos taken! hehe.... I Lyke~! :p

The Armory..

A View near The Armory

Some Pistols...


The Armory is located in the Second Courtyard opposite The Kitchen. As its name stated, some of the weapons and armors that were being used during the Ottoman Empire are displayed here. Displayed here are also Weapons and Armories from the Medieval Period, Persian, Mamluk and Egyptians.

Before entering The Harem

(No.3) The Harem

Layan Perasaan.... wheee :p

In order to enter The Harem, another YTL 10 is needed for each person. Only me and Syukri entered The Harem. And to make a long story more shorter, we can conclude that The Harem is soooooooo beautiful! hahaha..... all the "Gundik" were placed here during The Ottoman Empire. :p (actually dah malas taip and takde idea sket + Ngantuk!) hahaha... :p

Me and Syukri inside The Harem

Syukri at The Imperial Hall (Harem)

AB at the Favourite Concubines Court

W e are going out of the Gate Of Felicity


Reading Syukri's Jiwang sms

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