Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Merdeka Yeay Yeay!

We are Independent People!

Exam is finally over and finally I'm happy! But not for long... Practical session is next in line. We've been busy this past few days lookin' out for our Working Attires! starting from O.U, Subang Parade, Sunway Pyramid, Bukit Raja, Bukit Tinggi and also KLCC! just name it~ We've been to all those places! The result is kinda ok laa... not very disappointing. We just found out that we're not in the right time to shop. I'm not sure wether Mega Sale has not started yet or just finished. Only Parkson is having their "Jualan HEbat Parkson" now. Well.... takde rezeki... what can I say ey~? hehe

We celebrated our Independence Day at Kenny Rogers Subang Parade on the 3rd of May. There were 9 of us and we ate happily!! Actually I finished my final paper on the 2nd of May but I joined them on the 3rd since it's quite boring to celebrate Independence Day alone rite? hahaha.. Overall the "eat eat" was quite fun! Owh Btw.... actually not everyone had finished all their papers on dat day. Ayun, Kak Jia and Hanep still have their Japanese Language Paper the the folowing day. So, actually, not all of us had their "eat eat" happily! hehehe... Sorry I made a mistake. Haha
Picture : (Above) Syukri melayan perasaan and tak perasan diri diambil gambar

As usual when there are PEES.....PBBC pon mesti ade! HAHA ;p

Talking about movies? Hmm.. let me see... since my last post, I've not seen any new movies (as far as I remember laa) all blames to the cinemas! I think there were no new movies (Best one) being released by the cinemas last week. Hmm... I hate life without movies! hahaa.
Picture : (Left) Another picture showing Hamroud worshipping Sexy Girl's picture!
(Right) Ham n Ayun wit da toys
Owh I'm starting to make myself familiar with AUTOCAD nowadays. Got the installer CD from Hamroud and any sort of helps in assisting me in this software are most welcomed! I'm gonna use this software for my next project (Secret laaa HAHA) and really hope dat this "Thing" can help me! :) so far the software is quite easy to be used and most of the main features are that of my engineering areas and Insya Allah I can master it! hehehe (Hopefully laa)..

The Unmatured Guys!
But berubah jadi "Matured Guys" Whenever there is Ayun! huhu ;p

Went to KLCC today wit Azalea and Syukri. We were planning to find a suiting pants for the jacket which I bought in Subang Parade last Saturday. We had a little problem finding the pants since most of them were not the same material as my jacket's. After about 2 hours wondering around inside KLCC, we finally found one! In Parkson Grand! Huhuhu I was soooooo happy and suddenly became hungry. ;p Owh ya, we bought the tickets for this Saturday's Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra Concert! Yippe!! Lyke~! This Saturday's concert will feature Royal Philharmonic Orchestra's Paul Mann as the conductor and clarinet soloist Philip Arkinstall (I haven't heard about him before... dunno). And the theme for the concert is Light Classics! I Lyke!!! huhuhu... x sabar dah nie! ;p
Picture : (Above) Lunchy wit Kak Jia

We had our lunch at Burger King KLCC together wit Kak Jia who is currently having her practical session in SHELL KLCC. hohoho.. eventhough I said earlier that I was hungry, I only ate a few mozarella sticks and the Hershey's Pie (kot name die.. tapi macam aiskrim). :) Syukri really likes eating I guess. Why I said dat? Hmm... since we picked him up, he was like depressed, sad, sleepy, bored, etc but things changed when we were having our lunch! When he saw his food, he became another person! Look at da picture... how happy he is when he's with food! huhuhu
Picture : (Left) Syukri wit his Hershey's Pie

Okey guys.. wish me luck for my practical starting this Thursday! takut takut! I visited Ibsul Holdings earlier this morning after having my breakfast with Azalea and the "Abang" at the reception counter told us just to be cool and nothing bad will happen! hahahaha cooL ey~? I hope so....

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